Front Leg Stuck
If the front leg on your Proton won’t retract, it’s likely one of two things. It could actually be stuck, but more likely is that the elevator limit switch is disconnected. There’s a switch inside that trips when the machine is fully parked. If a wire comes loose, the Proton always thinks it’s parked and won’t retract the front foot. It’s not very easy to access, but if you need to, this video shows how.
If your leg is actually stuck, you’ll hear a prolonged squeal when you turn on the machine and it tries to park. It may need help from the factory at that point, but it’s possible you just have a grain of sand stuck in the nut, and if you can get it moving it will work its way out. Alternatively, if the limit switch is the problem but you want us to take care of it, you’ll need to manually retract the foot. In either case, the video below will show you how.