I bought the lob accessory. How do I install it?
Please check out these instructions.
How do I delete a custom program?
Swipe left!
How do I copy a built-in program?
On the two back wheels, one spins and one doesn’t. Is that normal?
Yes, one wheel is belt-driven and will not easily move by hand. The other spins freely.
Please explain the front light pattern.
When the machine is on, but not actively running it will pulse slowly. When you start the wheels it will blink about once per second as it searches for a ball. When it has a ball loaded in the firing chamber the light will stay on. Right before that ball is about to launch the front light will blink rapidly.
What’s the difference between quick-start and warm-up?
The quick-start programs are a sequence of shots already stored on the Proton that play in a random order. The Warm-up programs are just forehand then backhand repeated. Like all other programs, they have to be uploaded before they can be played.
Can I access the quick-start sequences from the control panel?
Yes. Press and hold the “speed” button (first one) on the control panel about 3 seconds until a light sequence plays. That will load “quick-start easy”. The same action on the “spin” button (second one) will get “quick-start medium” and on the “up/down” button will get “quick-start hard”.
Shots from my Proton are not centered on the court.
It’s important to get your Proton well lined up before each hopper of balls. Keep it at the baseline center and rotate it until it is pointed right down the middle.
Shots from my Proton drift left or right over the course of shooting a hopper.
Some drift is natural due to recoil of the machine. The side-to-side motion may also be perturbed by cracks or debris on the court as the rear wheels are relatively small. You can also use the “calibrate proton” menu item to adjust left/right and up/down during a session. If shots are drifting out of the doubles alley, or you hear any odd noises, please check the troubleshooting section here.
How does calibration work?
When you enter calibration, the Proton targets itself for a reference shot right down the middle. Press “Start” to get the machine running, and then “Fire” to shoot test balls one at a time. Use the arrows to adjust up/down and left/right. Depth calibration is stored permanently on the machine, but the left/right calibration will reset to zero with each session.
Shots from my Proton are too deep or too shallow.
Wind can be a big factor here. Backspin balls really carry into the wind, and topspin balls will land short. You can adjust with calibration settings, but some combinations of heavy backspin and heavy topspin may not work well in windy conditions. If you are finding that balls get shorter and shorter during a single hopper (even ending in the net) there may be an issue with the up/down control system which you can troubleshoot here.
How should I clean it?
We recommend cleaning every 5k-10k balls (you can see how many you’ve fired in the “get proton data” menu of the app). Use the 3mm hex key we provided to remove the bottom cover, and remove as much fuzz as you can reach. A vacuum may help. Get the fuzz away from the rear wheel drive belt especially. The other place to check is the optical ball sensor. Where balls drop into the Proton there is a small circuit board under the left edge (looking from behind). This can also collect fuzz over time and should be cleaned periodically.